There are certain moments to be had while out adventuring, hunting down waterfalls, where completely unforgettable things happen that will never, ever, leave my mind. I visited Cochran Mill Park in the Chattahoochee Hills area, which is in turn part of Fulton County, Georgia, and really close to well known Newnan, Georgia. The goal was to hike around the park and find a few waterfalls, one of which was Henry’s Mill Falls. This is where I’d learn to be very cautious around algae covered waterfall areas on all future outings.

From the parking lot of this city park you basically walk somewhere between 2 and 3 miles amongst interconnected trails, see some deer, a few misc sights, and then find yourself at Henry’s Mill Falls. As you can see in the picture it looks pretty, the basic rapidly moving creek jumping over boulders and it then plunges into a pool. When I did this I’d gotten cocky visiting all sorts of waterfalls, and was hopping around on the rocks like some sort of mountain goat, carefree. There’s maybe a 12 foot plunge from the top of the fall where I’m standing into the pool below. If you’re thinking that this story goes on to me falling over that, you’re wrong. Instead I left that spot and went down to about where the picture is taken from, where there’s maybe a single foot drop above a shallow pool of water only inches deep, and that’s where I lost my footing suddenly. The rocks were covered in a dark green and slimy algae, and my boots were no match, so I feel. Feet went into the water, but since it was only inches deep there wasn’t really anything to fall into. My hands however defaulted to slamming onto the rocks to stop myself from falling, and due to the angle I ended up cutting my arm open with a gash about an inch long, and thought that was the worst that I’d done, wet boots and a little blood. It wouldn’t be until later I’d realize I’d fractured my arm by dropping it to stop myself and letting my weight compound the issues of that stop. To say it a simpler way, I slipped, hurt my arm stopping myself, and it was at a trivial spot near the fall, but not actually on it. And to this day that was the worst injury and longest it has taken me to bounce back from exploring waterfalls. At a city run park no less. So Henry’s Mill Falls has an infamous place in my mind and whenever I’m anywhere near algae growing around rocks to this day, I remember the experience.

As for the rest of Cochran Mill Park there is a much easier waterfall to access very near the parking lot. Fair warning, the parking lot has a parking fee of a few dollars. From the parking lot just cross the road and follow the path for a few hundred feet to find Cochran Mill Falls. Which might also be called Owen’s Mill Falls. I have conflicting sources of information about the names, but the park map as I write this calls it Cochran Mill Falls so just roll with that probably. Elsewhere if you follow the loop path toward the nature center on that side of the road you’ll encounter Berry’s Mill Falls, some cascades and it’s simply pretty. Locals will be using the place for exercise and dog walks, so expect that. There’s a pretty cool bridge by Cochran Mill Falls as well that you get to hang out on.
On a related note if you’re wanting to check this park out and need somewhere to camp, which is not something you’ll find here, consider doing what I did and stay at nearby Chattahoochee Bend State Park.
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