Grxxlt the Coal Goblin & Sandra, Goddess of Time.

Sandra is a True Neutral deity known as The Goddess Of Time in my D&D games. She’s so far reaching in my games that she goes back several campaigns, different player groups, and fittingly years in Time. Sandra is close to the word Sandy, which makes one think of Sands Of Time. Fittingly the holy symbol is an hourglass. Sandra is the ultimate plot device because no matter what happens in a game, with whatever fuckery players put out to screw anything up, there’s always the loophole of jumping through time to change things.

But Sandra doesn’t actually appear to player characters. She has an ongoing avatar known as Grxxlt, who happens to be a Goblin. Specifically Coal Goblin, a sub race I made up long ago. The backstory on that is that I had some players stumble upon a subrace of goblins living in a coal mine for many generations, and each player got to use a coal goblin as an underling for awhile. Most of them ended up dead somehow, but there was one, controlled by myself as an NPC and I fell in love with it, so gave it grander purpose as it stumbled upon a Goddess that’d been locked away for a long time, ironically. Grxxlt the Coal Goblin became the avatar of Sandra, Goddess of Time. Grxxlt leans toward a goodly alignment when he appears even though the goddess is true neutral. He gives players cryptic missions, launches them into alternate time streams, and then completely goes quiet for long stretches. I had a few back to back game sessions where players from my current game went back and played AS the goblins that a former gaming group had encountered, which amused the hell out of me, even if they didn’t know how significant that was for their DM. A couple magical artifacts that were generated by a past group came into the new group’s possession (as goblins) this way, and then we skipped forward, their one shot goblins discarded, and their normal characters found the location of the coal goblins’ demise in the future, and grabbed said artifacts, unknowingly letting lose some stuff in my game world of Lepzard that I adore and have a huge history with.

ANYWAY i’m rambling – Grxxlt and Sandra. Two easy plot devices as needed. That’s their point. And I suppose it is why I own a few goblin 28mm scale figure at this point too.




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