My Dungeons & Dragons Game

Many years ago I started a Dungeons & Dragons game, branding the fantasy world it was happening in as the world of Lepzard. You’ll notice that is also the website address this blog is on at the moment as well. The game with that particular group of players eventually faded due to time and moving away from each other, but I’d pick it back up every few years wherever I lived, always dragging details from the former groups and and lore forward with me. At present, a good couple decades in at this point, the game lives again with a new group! Starting with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons back in the day, moving through other versions, and homebrew weirdness, into eventually 5th Edition.

The fantasy world of Lepzard evolved, with some homebrew gods, NPCs, PCs that graduated into infamous NPCs, and of course like any good tabletop roleplayer there are more dice than one ever needs and reference books spanning versions and time strewn about my house. What really matters though is taking some stuff that I’m attached to from the past and blending it into this roleplaying thing that I enjoy as part of a social life in the present. So any posts on this blog involving roleplaying henceforth, this blog which previously I’ve used for babbling about other stuff and may still do more of in the future, are here because I have pure joy for roleplaying and it also makes for a really handy way to store some notes on my game. I kind of doubt my players past or future will even realize this is here, but if they do, best of luck sorting through my, usually drunk, ramblings. This is here for my joy. It isn’t a core book. Sorry.


A shout out to Sean – who introduced me to the game at a young age. Fighting Death Knights when we shouldn’t have.

Another shout out to Jonny – who I introduced to the game and found delight in doing. First person I’d ever seen create so many new characters in so little time.

And finally to James, a guy who I once worked with and we formed an online version of the game on this very domain name using forum software for discrete use in the office – your PC “Alden” lives to this day as a super villain in the world of Lepzard, with many ramifications existing for players who never knew you.



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