Warlock Well

Within a town called Rat Town in my game world there’s a well. A lot of fantasy towns have generic wells, wishing wells and whatever else. This one comes with the twist of it being a contact point for a powerful being that’d be suitable as a Warlock’s patron. I set this up to torment my players because local lore has it that if you throw a potent magical items or artifact into the well, it allows you to barter with the entity for bonuses or special powers. It’s a great way to get rid of excess magical crap that I’ve given out that unbalance the game, and an exciting way for players to make deals with a being and get in trouble or find unique rewards and role playing experiences.

As I post this only one player has thrown anything of value into the well, and because my players just do whatever the hell they want, like most PCs, I haven’t even fleshed out what the entity in the Warlock Well is all about. In fact, I had a one shot player who joined my tabletop game one night play as a PC that was intended to become and NPC after she left for the evening, and that character outside of the scope of the game that night is known to have tossed stuff into the well. Results, unknown, and that NPC “Ratessa” currently not part of the narrative. But one of the players who is a Warlock, meaning they already have a patron known as Malbeck, tossed a holy dwarven axe into the Warlock Well and tried to ask for an increase in a stat. To which I, as the entity countered that to make a deal with it would be a breach of contract against their current patron, and the PC backed down. Just waiting to see what happens next now. Shady multi-entity dealings, or will another PC make a move when treasure builds up?



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